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    The Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U) is Georgia Tech's living laboratory for fundamental change in education. As learners of all ages encounter rapidly changing workforce demands and seek to learn in new ways, Georgia Tech is committed to leading the initiatives that will define the next generation of educational practices and technologies. 

    C21U functions as a research arm of the Office of the Provost and works in tandem with campus administrators and faculty to identify, develop, and test new educational platforms and methodologies. Now home to the Commission on Creating the Next in Education (CNE) Program Office, C21U fosters projects that will redefine the entire pipeline of learning. This effort requires close collaboration and integration of K-12 as a key part of the future of lifelong education. Innovation in this area is led by the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), a new addition to the C21U community. 

    Klaus Advanced Computing Building - home of C21U



    NSF Convergence Accelerator RAPID Grant Awarded to USG, Eduworks for Bridging the Health Care Skill Gap
    DeMillo to Step Down at C21U to Return to Georgia Tech’s Faculty
    How Technology Is Changing the Future of Higher Education
    Georgia Tech Joins MIT-led Digital Credentials Consortium, Co-Authors New Report on Digital Credentials of the Future
    Jill Watson Team Reaches Semifinals in IBM AI XPrize Competition




    Understanding the Need for Digital Credentials
    May 22, 2024

    The Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U) is one of the founding members of the Digital Credentials Consortium (DCC), whose mission is to create a trusted, distributed, and shared infrastructure that becomes the standard for issuing, storing, displaying, and verifying digital academic credentials.

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    May 15, 2024

    This year, as C21U graduate research assistants, we were tasked with researching and designing initial concepts for a nascent but quickly-developing CNE project: the Georgia Tech atrium. As a physical gathering space and gateway to both in-person and digital GT services—such as career counseling, exploring GT credentials, and networking—the GTatrium™ is intended to expand the possibility for individuals to experience Georgia Tech beyond Atlanta.

    Tweets by @C21U
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